As we’ve looked at before, teaming Slack with SocialWall can be a fantastic way to make any organisation’s Slack experience better. SocialWall adds a variety of functions to the base Slack experience that can greatly increase the flexibility of Slack, and turn it from a purely internal tool to much more of an external tool.
But which sorts of organisations will this functionality be truly useful for?
Whatever shape your organisation takes, there may be real benefits in integrating SocialWall with your current use of Slack. Let’s have a look at how four very different organisations may gain from the Slack + SocialWall experience.
By definition an NGO or not-for-profit organisation will need to be an extremely efficient machine in order to achieve its goals. Because the focus isn’t on profits, and every bit of funding is used to further its mission, having clear and open channels of communication is a non-negotiable.
Using Slack as a centralised communication point is a fantastic way to ensure all those involved in the NGO are on the same page, but beyond that, there is the option to use SocialWall to grab pieces of information from Slack to display to an audience.
You can use Slack + SocialWall as a presentation tool, to show potential donors or sources of funding how the internals of your NGO work. You can update the NGO team on progress during internal meetings, or display milestone accomplishments on screens throughout the NGO via the SocialWall integration.
Start-ups are defined by their ability to sell themselves. It can be a messy business finding and convincing potential investors of your start-up’s worth, but having people believe in your start-up could be the difference in realising its potential and crashing and burning.
Using the SocialWall integration for Slack essentially grants outsiders an inside (yet curated) look at the inner workings of your company. You can pull out your best examples of good intra-company communication, showcasing how you go about your work. SocialWall delivers these examples in a fun, professional and impactful way.
Slack + SocialWall may prove to be the difference in selling your start-up to an investor, and losing out on precious funding.
This association provides the perfect solution to the problem of conducting a meeting over the internet. All of the required people of a multi-national company may struggle to gather in the same room together, particularly if they are spread across the globe. Conducting an online video conference is often the only way of getting everyone’s faces together.
Slack has obvious benefits for multi-national corporations that cover a wide variety of time zones – the centralised communication it offers can make catching up on your overnight emails a far simpler task. But with the help of SocialWall, you can now use the content generated on Slack as material for your video conference.
Giving real-world examples of your team’s good work, updating the rest of the company on the progress of your section; the options are as endless as your organisation’s Slack content.
A business incubator is an organisation that helps start-ups and any other new companies to develop into functional businesses. Whether that be through providing office space, management coaching or general business guidance, they seek to foster raw talent and ‘hatch’ successful businesses.
To guide young start-ups, real-world examples of good business workings are vital. Instead of describing the theory behind an aspect of good business in a long-winded way, these real-world examples can sum up a business concept in moments. With that, you are able to source these examples through this platform, and easily display them by using SocialWall as a learning tool.
In truth, the possibilities of using Slack + SocialWall in combination is limited only by your imagination. With such a flexible tool, you get understandably flexible results.
So, what will you use SocialWall’s Slack integration for?