Conferences are perfect situations to implement a social media wall and more specifically a social timeline. It will give your event way more visibility on social networks.
Social media wall and conferences
Many people are not able to attend conferences either because of restricted capacities of venues or because of the distance. Thanks to your social media wall and its timeline, you will overcome this issue offering the possibility to attend remotely the conference. Internet users will no longer miss crucial points of your conferences and they will be the best ones to spread the word!
Thanks to a customized social E-card and a dedicated URL, your audience on the Internet and in the venue will keep up with the conference, post on social networks using your hashtag and add your post to your SocialWall. Thus, your attendees will relay key points in real time. In addition to the content of your conference, people will also have access to your audience reactions.
An event lasting a few days makes full use of the social timeline
Using a social media wall makes sense when it is used for an event that lasts several days. Indeed, attendees have time to react and feed a debate on social networks. They also have access to every single conference even if they did not attend it. Let’s take the example of two conferences taking place at the same time. People will be able to attend one of them while keeping up with the other conference through the social timeline.
Posts gathered on your social media wall and published on social networks give your event more and more social media visibility. Moreover, we provide you with precious insights and analytics as far as your event and its social media impact are concerned.